Helper function to store additional data about bans.
function ULib.addBan( steamid, time, reason, name, admin )
You must run this function on BOTH client AND server. This function is very similar to garry’s concommand.Add() function with a few key differences.
function cmds.addCommand( cmd, fn, autocomplete, access_string, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say, unsafe )
Exactly like cmds.addCommand, except it will expect the callback to be run on the local client instead of the server.
function cmds.addCommandClient( cmd, fn, autocomplete, unsafe )
Adds a new group to the UCL.
function ucl.addGroup( name, allows, inherit_from, from_CAMI )
Just like ULib’s concommand() except that the callback is called when the command is said in chat instead of typed in the console.
function ULib.addSayCommand( say_cmd, fn_call, access, hide_say, nospace )
Adds a user to the UCL.
function ucl.addUser( id, allows, denies, group, from_CAMI )
This is used when specyfing a number argument that should allow time string representations to be parsed (eg, ‘1w1d’ for 1 week 1 day).
function ULib.applyAccel( ent, magnitude, direction, dTime )
Applies an acceleration in the entities current velocity direction ( not the entity’s heading ).
function ULib.applyAccelInCurDirection( ent, magnitude, dTime )
function ULib.applyForce( ent, magnitude, direction, dTime )
Applies a force in the entities current velocity direction ( not the entity’s heading ).
function ULib.applyForceInCurDirection( ent, magnitude, dTime )
Copies a file to a backup file.
function ULib.backupFile( f )
Bans a user.
function ULib.ban( ply, time, reason, admin )
Used to autocomplete a command.
function cmds.BaseArg:complete( arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Used to, you guessed it, parse and validate an argument specified by a user.
function cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Prints a basic usage message for this parameter.
function cmds.BaseArg:usage( cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:complete
function cmds.BoolArg:complete( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate
function cmds.BoolArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
A helper function to help us figure out restrictions on this command.
function cmds.BoolArg:processRestrictions( cmdRestrictions, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:usage
function cmds.BoolArg:usage( cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate
function cmds.CallingPlayerArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Checks to see if an arg matches what is expected, if not, calls throwBadArg().
function ULib.checkArg( argnum, fnName, expected, data, throwLevel )
Think of this function as if you’re calling a client function directly from the server.
function ULib.clientRPC( plys, fn, ... )
Prints a message in the user’s consoles.
function ULib.console( ply, msg )
Prints a message in center of the screen as well as in the user’s consoles.
function ULib.csay( ply, msg, color, duration, fade )
Draws a csay text on the screen.
function ULib.csayDraw( msg, color, duration, fade )
Prints a function call, very useful for debugging.
function ULib.debugFunctionCall( name, ... )
Gives an error to console.
function ULib.error( s )
Executes a file on the console.
function ULib.execFile( f, queueName, noMount )
Just like execFile, except only for ULib-defined commands.
function ULib.execFileULib( f, safeMode, noMount )
Just like execFile, except acts on newline-delimited strings.
function ULib.execString( f, queueName )
Just like execString, except only for ULib-defined commands.
function ULib.execStringULib( f, safeMode )
Given a ULib command table and the information to pass to the command callback, execute the command.
function cmds.execute( cmdTable, ply, commandName, argv )
Split a string by a separator.
function ULib.explode( separator, str, limit )
Append to file content.
function ULib.fileAppend( f, content )
Create a directory.
function ULib.fileCreateDir( f )
Delete file contents.
function ULib.fileDelete( f )
Checks for the existence of a file by path.
function ULib.fileExists( f, noMount )
Is file a directory?
function ULib.fileIsDir( f, noMount )
Reads a file and returns the contents.
function ULib.fileRead( f, noMount )
Returns files in directory.
function ULib.filesInDir( dir, recurse, noMount, root )
Writes file content.
function ULib.fileWrite( f, content )
Finds a value in a table.
function ULib.findInTable( t, check, init, last, recursive )
Given a string, find a var starting from the global namespace.
function ULib.findVar( varLocation, rootTable )