Helper function to store additional data about bans.
function ULib.addBan( steamid, time, reason, name, admin )
You must run this function on BOTH client AND server. This function is very similar to garry’s concommand.Add() function with a few key differences.
function cmds.addCommand( cmd, fn, autocomplete, access_string, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say, unsafe )
Exactly like cmds.addCommand, except it will expect the callback to be run on the local client instead of the server.
function cmds.addCommandClient( cmd, fn, autocomplete, unsafe )
Adds a new group to the UCL.
function ucl.addGroup( name, allows, inherit_from, from_CAMI )
Just like ULib’s concommand() except that the callback is called when the command is said in chat instead of typed in the console.
function ULib.addSayCommand( say_cmd, fn_call, access, hide_say, nospace )
Adds a user to the UCL.
function ucl.addUser( id, allows, denies, group, from_CAMI )
function ULib.applyAccel( ent, magnitude, direction, dTime )
Applies an acceleration in the entities current velocity direction ( not the entity’s heading ).
function ULib.applyAccelInCurDirection( ent, magnitude, dTime )
function ULib.applyForce( ent, magnitude, direction, dTime )
Applies a force in the entities current velocity direction ( not the entity’s heading ).
function ULib.applyForceInCurDirection( ent, magnitude, dTime )
Copies a file to a backup file.
function ULib.backupFile( f )
Bans a user.
function ULib.ban( ply, time, reason, admin )
Used to autocomplete a command.
function cmds.BaseArg:complete( arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Used to, you guessed it, parse and validate an argument specified by a user.
function cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Prints a basic usage message for this parameter.
function cmds.BaseArg:usage( cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:complete
function cmds.BoolArg:complete( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate
function cmds.BoolArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
A helper function to help us figure out restrictions on this command.
function cmds.BoolArg:processRestrictions( cmdRestrictions, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:usage
function cmds.BoolArg:usage( cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate
function cmds.CallingPlayerArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Checks to see if an arg matches what is expected, if not, calls throwBadArg().
function ULib.checkArg( argnum, fnName, expected, data, throwLevel )
Think of this function as if you’re calling a client function directly from the server.
function ULib.clientRPC( plys, fn, ... )
Prints a message in the user’s consoles.
function ULib.console( ply, msg )
Prints a message in center of the screen as well as in the user’s consoles.
function ULib.csay( ply, msg, color, duration, fade )
Draws a csay text on the screen.
function ULib.csayDraw( msg, color, duration, fade )
Prints a function call, very useful for debugging.
function ULib.debugFunctionCall( name, ... )
Gives an error to console.
function ULib.error( s )
Executes a file on the console.
function ULib.execFile( f, queueName, noMount )
Just like execFile, except only for ULib-defined commands.
function ULib.execFileULib( f, safeMode, noMount )
Just like execFile, except acts on newline-delimited strings.
function ULib.execString( f, queueName )
Just like execString, except only for ULib-defined commands.
function ULib.execStringULib( f, safeMode )
Given a ULib command table and the information to pass to the command callback, execute the command.
function cmds.execute( cmdTable, ply, commandName, argv )
Split a string by a separator.
function ULib.explode( separator, str, limit )
Append to file content.
function ULib.fileAppend( f, content )
Create a directory.
function ULib.fileCreateDir( f )
Delete file contents.
function ULib.fileDelete( f )
Checks for the existence of a file by path.
function ULib.fileExists( f, noMount )
Is file a directory?
function ULib.fileIsDir( f, noMount )
Reads a file and returns the contents.
function ULib.fileRead( f, noMount )
Returns files in directory.
function ULib.filesInDir( dir, recurse, noMount, root )
Writes file content.
function ULib.fileWrite( f, content )
Finds a value in a table.
function ULib.findInTable( t, check, init, last, recursive )
Given a string, find a var starting from the global namespace.
function ULib.findVar( varLocation, rootTable )
Similar to player.GetAll(), except it only returns players that have ULib ready to go.
function ULib.getAllReadyPlayers()
Transforms a command and argument list as passed by the source engine into a ULib command table.
function cmds.getCommandTableAndArgv( commandName, argv, valveErrorCorrection )
Gets what a group is allowed to target in the UCL.
function ucl.getGroupCanTarget( group )
This function returns a tree-like structure representing the group inheritance architecture.
function ucl.getInheritanceTree()
Returns bans written by ULib versions prior to 2.7.
function ULib.getLegacyBans()
Gets the player directly in front of the specified player
function ULib.getPicker( ply, radius )
Finds a user identified by the given ID.
function ULib.getPlyByID( id )
function ULib.getPlyByUID( uid )
Grabs and returns player information that can be used to respawn player with same health/armor as before the spawn.
function ULib.getSpawnInfo( ply )
Finds a user matching an identifier.
function ULib.getUser( target, enable_keywords, ply )
Returns a table containing the name and group of a player in the UCL table of users if they exist.
function ucl.getUserInfoFromID( id )
Returns the SteamID, IP, or UniqueID of a player if they’re registered under any of those IDs under ucl.users.
function ucl.getUserRegisteredID( ply )
Finds users matching an identifier.
function ULib.getUsers( target, enable_keywords, ply )
Adds or removes an access tag in the allows for a group.
function ucl.groupAllow( name, access, revoke )
This function is used to see if a specified group is inheriting from another
function ucl.groupInheritsFrom( group )
Creates a psudeo-inheritance for lua.
function inheritsFrom( base_class )
Makes a user invisible
function ULib.invisible( ply, bool, visibility )
Returns true if the current gamemode is sandbox or is derived from sandbox.
function ULib.isSandbox()
Checks to see if a given string is a valid IPv4 address.
function ULib.isValidIP( ip )
Checks to see if a given string is a valid steamid.
function ULib.isValidSteamID( steamid )