Holds some defines used on both client and server.
Defines | Holds some defines used on both client and server. |
Hooks | These are the hooks that ULib has created that other modders are free to make use of. |
Hooks | |
UCLAuthed | Called on both server and client when a player has been (re)authenticated by UCL. |
UCLChanged | Called on both server and client when anything in ULib.ucl.users, ULib.ucl.authed, or ULib.ucl.groups changes. |
UCLAccessRegistered | Called on both server and client when one or more unrecognized accesses are registered. |
ULibReplicatedCvarChanged | Called on both client and server when a replicated cvar changes or is created. |
ULibLocalPlayerReady | Called on both client and server when a player entity is created. |
ULibCommandCalled | Called on server whenever a ULib command is run, return false to override and not allow, true to stop executing callbacks and allow. |
ULibPlayerTarget | Called whenever one player is about to target another player. |
ULibPlayerTargets | Called whenever one player is about to target another set of players. |
ULibPostTranslatedCommand | Server hook. |
ULibPlayerNameChanged | Called within one second of a player changing their name. |
ULibGetUsersCustomKeyword | Called during ULib.getUsers when considering a target string for keywords. |
ULibGetUserCustomKeyword | Called during ULib.getUser when considering a target string for keywords. |
ULibPlayerKicked | Called during ULib.kick. |
ULibPlayerBanned | Called during ULib.addBan. |
ULibPlayerUnBanned | Called during ULib.unban. |
ULibGroupCreated | Called during ULib.ucl.addGroup. |
ULibGroupRemoved | Called during ULib.ucl.removeGroup. |
ULibGroupAccessChanged | Called during ULib.ucl.groupAllow. |
ULibGroupRenamed | Called during ULib.ucl.renameGroup. |
ULibGroupInheritanceChanged | Called during ULib.ucl.setGroupInheritance. |
ULibGroupCanTargetChanged | Called during ULib.ucl.setGroupCanTarget. |
ULibUserGroupChange | Called during ULib.ucl.addUser. |
ULibUserAccessChange | Called during ULib.ucl.userAllow. |
ULibUserRemoved | Called during ULib.ucl.removeUser. |
UCL Helpers | These defines are server-only, to help with UCL. |
Net pooled strings | These defines are server-only, to help with the networking library. |
These are the hooks that ULib has created that other modders are free to make use of.
Hooks | |
UCLAuthed | Called on both server and client when a player has been (re)authenticated by UCL. |
UCLChanged | Called on both server and client when anything in ULib.ucl.users, ULib.ucl.authed, or ULib.ucl.groups changes. |
UCLAccessRegistered | Called on both server and client when one or more unrecognized accesses are registered. |
ULibReplicatedCvarChanged | Called on both client and server when a replicated cvar changes or is created. |
ULibLocalPlayerReady | Called on both client and server when a player entity is created. |
ULibCommandCalled | Called on server whenever a ULib command is run, return false to override and not allow, true to stop executing callbacks and allow. |
ULibPlayerTarget | Called whenever one player is about to target another player. |
ULibPlayerTargets | Called whenever one player is about to target another set of players. |
ULibPostTranslatedCommand | Server hook. |
ULibPlayerNameChanged | Called within one second of a player changing their name. |
ULibGetUsersCustomKeyword | Called during ULib.getUsers when considering a target string for keywords. |
ULibGetUserCustomKeyword | Called during ULib.getUser when considering a target string for keywords. |
ULibPlayerKicked | Called during ULib.kick. |
ULibPlayerBanned | Called during ULib.addBan. |
ULibPlayerUnBanned | Called during ULib.unban. |
ULibGroupCreated | Called during ULib.ucl.addGroup. |
ULibGroupRemoved | Called during ULib.ucl.removeGroup. |
ULibGroupAccessChanged | Called during ULib.ucl.groupAllow. |
ULibGroupRenamed | Called during ULib.ucl.renameGroup. |
ULibGroupInheritanceChanged | Called during ULib.ucl.setGroupInheritance. |
ULibGroupCanTargetChanged | Called during ULib.ucl.setGroupCanTarget. |
ULibUserGroupChange | Called during ULib.ucl.addUser. |
ULibUserAccessChange | Called during ULib.ucl.userAllow. |
ULibUserRemoved | Called during ULib.ucl.removeUser. |
Called on both client and server when a replicated cvar changes or is created.
sv_cvar | The name of the server-side cvar. |
cl_cvar | The name of the client-side cvar. |
ply | The player changing the cvar or nil on initial value. |
old_value | The previous value of the cvar, nil if this call is to set the initial value. |
new_value | The new value of the cvar. |
v2.40 | Initial |
v2.50 | Removed nil on client side restriction. |
Called on server whenever a ULib command is run, return false to override and not allow, true to stop executing callbacks and allow.
ply | The player attempting to execute the command. |
commandName | The command that’s being executed. |
args | The table of args for the command. |
v2.40 | Initial |
Called whenever one player is about to target another player. Called BEFORE any other validation takes place. Return false and error message to disallow target completely, return true to override any other validation logic and allow the target to take place, return a player to force the target to be the specified player.
ply | The player attempting to execute the command. |
commandName | The command that’s being executed. |
target | The proposed target of the command before any other validation logic takes place. |
v2.40 | Initial |
Called whenever one player is about to target another set of players. Called BEFORE any other validation takes place. Return false and error message to disallow target completely, return true to override any other validation logic and allow the target to take place, return a table of players to force the targets to be the specified players.
ply | The player attempting to execute the command. |
commandName | The command that’s being executed. |
targets | The proposed targets of the command before any other validation logic takes place. |
v2.40 | Initial |
Server hook. Called after a translated command (ULib.cmds.TranslatedCommand) has been successfully verified. This hook directly follows the callback for the command itself.
ply | The player that executed the command. |
commandName | The command that’s being executed. |
translated_args | A table of the translated arguments, as passed into the callback function itself. |
v2.40 | Initial |
Called during ULib.getUsers when considering a target string for keywords. This could be used to create a new, custom keyword for targeting users who have been connected for less than five minutes, for example. Return nil or a table of player objects to add to the target list.
target | A string chunk of a possibly larger target list to operate on. |
ply | The player doing the targeting, not always specified (can be nil). |
v2.60 | Initial |
Called during ULib.getUser when considering a target string for keywords. This could be used to create a new, custom keyword for always targeting a specific connected steamid, for example. Or, to target the shortest connected player. Return nil or a player object.
target | A string target. |
ply | The player doing the targeting, not always specified (can be nil). |
v2.60 | Initial |
Called during ULib.ucl.userAllow. This alerts you to the user’s access being changed.
id | The string steamid of the user. |
access | The string of access being changed |
revoke | Boolean, are we adding(false/nil) or revoking(true) |
deny | Boolean, are we denying(true) or allowing(false/nil) |
v2.62 | Initial |