A | |
AddCommand, otlib. | |
AddHook, otlib. | |
AddKey, otlib. | |
AddListOfKeyValues, otlib. | |
Append, otlib | |
Autocomplete | |
B | |
BeginTransaction | |
C | |
CheckAccess, otlib. | |
CheckArg, otlib | |
ClearCache, otlib. | |
Clone | |
ConvertTo, otlib. | |
Copy, otlib | |
CopyI, otlib | |
Count, otlib | |
CreateDataTable, otlib | |
CreatePlugin, otlib | |
D | |
DataEqualsAnyOf, otlib | |
DeepCopy, otlib | |
Default, otlib. | |
DifferenceByKey, otlib | |
DifferenceByKeyI, otlib | |
DifferenceByValue, otlib | |
DisableCache, otlib. | |
E | |
EditDistance, otlib | |
Empty | |
EnableCache, otlib. | |
EndTransaction | |
Escape, otlib | |
Execute, wrappers | |
Explode, otlib | |
F | |
Fetch, otlib. | |
FileDelete, wrappers | |
FileExists, wrappers | |
FileRead, wrappers | |
FileWrite, wrappers | |
FormatAndEscapeData, wrappers | |
FromString | |
G | |
GetAll, otlib. | |
GetDefault, otlib. | |
GetGroup | |
GetLevel, otlib. | |
GetMaxRepeats, otlib. | |
GetMessage, otlib. | |
GetMinRepeats, otlib. | |
GetParameterNum, otlib. | |
GetPlugins, otlib | |
GetTakesRestOfLine, otlib. | |
H | |
HasValue, otlib | |
HasValueI, otlib | |
I | |
Init | |
InitPlugins, otlib | |
Insert, otlib. | |
IntersectionByKey, otlib | |
IntersectionByKeyI, otlib | |
IntersectionByValue, otlib | |
IsA | |
IsEmpty, otlib | |
IsValid | |
L | |
LongUsage, otlib. | |
LTrim, otlib |
Adds a command on behalf of this plugin.
function Plugin:AddCommand( console_command, say_command, callback, access )
Adds a hook on behalf of this plugin.
function Plugin:AddHook( hook, callback, priority )
Adds a key to the data table.
function DataTable:AddKey( key_name, key_type, comment )
Adds a key to the data table, whose value is going to be a table.
function DataTable:AddListOfKeyValues( list_name, key_type, value_type, comment )
Appends values with numeric keys from one table to another.
function Append( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Used to give autocomplete information for this parameter.
function BaseParam:Autocomplete( user, str )
See otlib.BaseParam.Autocomplete.
function NumParam:Autocomplete( user, cmd, arg )
Begins a transaction.
function DataTable:BeginTransaction()
If the SQL implementation allows it, start a transaction.
function BeginTransaction( database_type )
Checks if a user or group can use an access with specified, possibly parsed arguments.
function group:CheckAccess( access, ... )
Used to check to see if a function argument matches what is expected.
function CheckArg( argnum, fn_name, expected, data, throw_level )
Clears any cache that may be built up in this datatable.
function DataTable:ClearCache()
Creates a clone of an object.
function Clone( base, callable, clone )
Convert the DataTable from using one database type to another.
function DataTable:ConvertTo( database_type )
Make a shallow copy of a table.
function Copy( t )
Exactly the same as Copy except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function CopyI( t )
Counts the number of elements in a table using pairs.
function Count( t )
Creates a new data table for use.
function CreateDataTable( table_name, primary_key_name, primary_key_type, comment, database_type )
Creates a plugin by name.
function CreatePlugin( name, description, author )
Checks to see if an argument equals any of the other arguments passed in.
function DataEqualsAnyOf( data, ... )
Make a deep copy of a table.
function DeepCopy( t )
Set the default value of this parameter.
function BaseParam:Default( default )
Gets the difference of two tables by key.
function DifferenceByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as DifferenceByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function DifferenceByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the difference of two lists by value.
function DifferenceByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
First clears the cache with ClearCache and disables further caching until re-enabled with EnableCache.
function DataTable:DisableCache()
Finds the edit distance between two strings or tables.
function EditDistance( s, t, lim )
Removes all data from a table.
function Empty( t )
Empties all existing data for this database and clears any caches.
function DataTable:Empty()
See DisableCache.
function DataTable:EnableCache()
See BeginTransaction.
function DataTable:EndTransaction()
If the SQL implementation allows it, end a transaction.
function EndTransaction( database_type )
Makes a string safe for pattern usage, like in string.gsub().
function Escape( str )
Execute given statement on the database.
function Execute( database_type, statement, key_types )
Split a string by a string.
function Explode( str, separator, plain, limit )
Fetch a row from the database.
function DataTable:Fetch( primary_key )
Delete a file or folder.
function FileDelete( file_path )
Check to see if a file or folder exists.
function FileExists( file_path )
Read a file.
function FileRead( file_path )
Write to a file.
function FileWrite( file_path, data )
Formats and escapes data from lua to be appropriate for use in SQL.
function FormatAndEscapeData( data )
Loads in user permissions from a string produced by ToString for this parameter.
function BaseParam:FromString( str )
See otlib.BaseParam.FromString and ToString.
function NumParam:FromString( str )
Fetchs all rows from the database.
function DataTable:GetAll()
Gets the default for this parameter.
function BaseParam:GetDefault()
function GetGroup( group )
Gets the level for the invalid condition, see Denied Levels.
function InvalidCondition:GetLevel()
Gets the max repeats for this parameter.
function BaseParam:GetMaxRepeats()
Gets the message for the invalid condition, if one has been created yet.
function InvalidCondition:GetMessage()
Gets the min repeats for this parameter.
function BaseParam:GetMinRepeats()
Gets the parameter number the invalid condition occured on, if applicable.
function InvalidCondition:GetParameterNum()
A table of the plugins, indexed by plugin name.
function GetPlugins()
Gets whether or not this parameter takes the rest of the line.
function BaseParam:GetTakesRestOfLine()
Checks for the presence of a value in a table.
function HasValue( t, value )
Exactly the same as HasValue except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function HasValueI( t, value )
Called when a new InvalidCondition object is created by using the prototype as a functor.
function InvalidCondition:Init( ... )
Override this function if you want to run some functionality when the plugin initializes.
function Plugin:Init()
Intended to be called only once by the application-specific implementation after running all plugin files.
function InitPlugins()
Insert (or replace existing with) a new row.
function DataTable:Insert( primary_key, data )
Gets the intersection of two tables by key.
function IntersectionByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as IntersectionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function IntersectionByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the intersection of two lists by value.
function IntersectionByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Check if a clone is inherited from another.
function IsA( clone, base )
Checks if a table contains any values on any type of key.
function IsEmpty( t )
Checks if the given argument is valid within the context of what’s allowable.
function BaseParam:IsValid( user, arg )
See otlib.BaseParam.IsValid.
function NumParam:IsValid( user, arg )
Used to give information about the usage on this parameter when screen space is not an issue.
function BaseParam:LongUsage( user )
Exactly like Trim except it only trims the left side.
function LTrim( str )