Utility functions that deal specifically with tables.
Table Utilities | Utility functions that deal specifically with tables. |
otlib | |
A Discussion On fori | |
Count | Counts the number of elements in a table using pairs. |
IsEmpty | Checks if a table contains any values on any type of key. |
Empty | Removes all data from a table. |
Copy | Make a shallow copy of a table. |
CopyI | Exactly the same as Copy except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
DeepCopy | Make a deep copy of a table. |
RemoveDuplicateValues | Removes any duplicate values from a list. |
UnionByKey | Merges two tables by key. |
UnionByKeyI | Exactly the same as UnionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
UnionByValue | Gets the union of two lists by value. |
IntersectionByKey | Gets the intersection of two tables by key. |
IntersectionByKeyI | Exactly the same as IntersectionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
IntersectionByValue | Gets the intersection of two lists by value. |
DifferenceByKey | Gets the difference of two tables by key. |
DifferenceByKeyI | Exactly the same as DifferenceByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
DifferenceByValue | Gets the difference of two lists by value. |
Append | Appends values with numeric keys from one table to another. |
HasValue | Checks for the presence of a value in a table. |
HasValueI | Exactly the same as HasValue except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
Table Conversion Untilities | Convert tables between one thing and another! |
SetFromList | Creates a set from a list. |
MakeKeyValues | Makes a key values string from a table. |
ParseKeyValues | Parses a key value formatted string into a table. |
A Discussion On fori | |
Count | Counts the number of elements in a table using pairs. |
IsEmpty | Checks if a table contains any values on any type of key. |
Empty | Removes all data from a table. |
Copy | Make a shallow copy of a table. |
CopyI | Exactly the same as Copy except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
DeepCopy | Make a deep copy of a table. |
RemoveDuplicateValues | Removes any duplicate values from a list. |
UnionByKey | Merges two tables by key. |
UnionByKeyI | Exactly the same as UnionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
UnionByValue | Gets the union of two lists by value. |
IntersectionByKey | Gets the intersection of two tables by key. |
IntersectionByKeyI | Exactly the same as IntersectionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
IntersectionByValue | Gets the intersection of two lists by value. |
DifferenceByKey | Gets the difference of two tables by key. |
DifferenceByKeyI | Exactly the same as DifferenceByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
DifferenceByValue | Gets the difference of two lists by value. |
Append | Appends values with numeric keys from one table to another. |
HasValue | Checks for the presence of a value in a table. |
HasValueI | Exactly the same as HasValue except that it uses fori instead of pairs. |
Table Conversion Untilities | Convert tables between one thing and another! |
SetFromList | Creates a set from a list. |
MakeKeyValues | Makes a key values string from a table. |
ParseKeyValues | Parses a key value formatted string into a table. |
for i=1, #t do body end
fori is much faster than pairs when you’re iterating over a table with only numeric keys. The catch is that it must be sequential numeric keys starting at 1. Even with this restriction, it is still very much worthwhile to use fori to iterate over the table instead of pairs if you have a table that meets the requirements to use fori.
Because of all this, OTLib lets you make a choice between using pairs or fori on anything that would make sense to have the choice. Any function that has the same name as another function but is just suffixed with the character “I” uses fori where the function that is not suffixed uses pairs as its iterator. For example, Copy and CopyI. One should use CopyI instead of Copy whenever the table being copied is known to be a list-like table with sequential numeric keys starting at 1.
A quirk with a simple fori iteration is that you might pick up “gaps” in the table where the keys are not all sequential, but continues on with a later key anyways. Ideally, you shouldn’t be passing around data like that unless you have a really good reason, but to partially combat this issue our code that uses fori on tables generally looks like the following:
for i=1, #t do if t[ i ] ~= nil then body end end
This prevents us from working with empty slots in the table. However, keep in mind that the way Lua implements tables means that if you have gaps in your table, a fori loop might not pick up all that data you want it to.
function Count( t )
Counts the number of elements in a table using pairs.
t | The table to count. |
The number of elements in the table.
Count( { "apple", "pear", done=true, banana="yellow" } )
v1.00 | Initial. |
function IsEmpty( t )
Checks if a table contains any values on any type of key.
t | The table to check. |
A boolean, true if the table t has one or more values, false otherwise.
v1.00 | Initial. |
function CopyI( t )
Exactly the same as Copy except that it uses fori instead of pairs. In general, this means that it only copies numeric keys. See A Discussion On fori.
function RemoveDuplicateValues( list, in_place )
Removes any duplicate values from a list.
list | The list table to remove duplciates from. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not the deletions should be done in place to table_a. Defaults to false. |
The list table with duplicates removed. Returns t if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
RemoveDuplicateValues( { "apple", "pear", "kiwi", "apple", "banana", "pear", "pear" } )
{ "apple", "pear", "kiwi", "banana" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function UnionByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Merges two tables by key.
table_a | The first table in the union. If in_place is true, all operations occur on this table, if in_place is false, all operations occur on a copy of the table. |
table_b | The second table in the union. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place union to table_a. Defaults to false. |
The union table. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
UnionByKey( { apple="red", pear="green", kiwi="hairy" }, { apple="green", pear="green", banana="yellow" } )
{ apple="green", pear="green", kiwi="hairy", banana="yellow" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function UnionByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as UnionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. In general, this means that it only merges on numeric keys. See A Discussion On fori.
function UnionByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Gets the union of two lists by value. If a value occurs once in list_a and once in list_b, the result of the union will only occur one instance of that value as well.
list_a | The first list table in the union. If in_place is true, all operations occur on this table, if in_place is false, all operations occur on a copy of the table. |
list_b | The second list table in the union. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place union to table_a. Defaults to false. |
The union list table. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
UnionByValue( { "apple", "pear", "kiwi" }, { "pear", "apple", "banana" } )
{ "apple", "pear", "kiwi", "banana" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function IntersectionByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the intersection of two tables by key.
table_a | The first table in the intersection. If in_place is true, all operations occur on this table, if in_place is false, all operations occur on a copy of the table. |
table_b | The second table in the interesection. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place intersection to table_a. Defaults to false. |
The intersection table. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
IntersectionByKey( { apple="red", pear="green", kiwi="hairy" }, { apple="green", pear="green", banana="yellow" } )
{ apple="green", pear="green" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function IntersectionByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as IntersectionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. In general, this means that it only merges on numeric keys. See A Discussion On fori.
function IntersectionByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Gets the intersection of two lists by value.
list_a | The first list table in the intersection. If in_place is true, all operations occur on this table, if in_place is false, all operations occur on a copy of the table. |
list_b | The second list table in the interesection. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place intersection to table_a. Defaults to false. |
The intersection list table. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
IntersectionByValue( { "apple", "pear", "kiwi" }, { "pear", "apple", "banana" } )
{ "apple", "pear" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function DifferenceByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the difference of two tables by key. Difference is defined as all the keys in table A that are not in table B.
table_a | The first table in the difference. If in_place is true, all operations occur on this table, if in_place is false, all operations occur on a copy of the table. |
table_b | The second table in the difference. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place difference operation on table_a. Defaults to false. |
The difference table. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
DifferenceByKey( { apple="red", pear="green", kiwi="hairy" }, { apple="green", pear="green", banana="yellow" } )
{ kiwi="hairy" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function DifferenceByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as DifferenceByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs. In general, this means that it only performs the difference on numeric keys. See A Discussion On fori.
function DifferenceByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Gets the difference of two lists by value.
list_a | The first list table in the difference. If in_place is true, all operations occur on this table, if in_place is false, all operations occur on a copy of the table. |
list_b | The second list table in the difference. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place difference operation on table_a. Defaults to false. |
The difference list table. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
DifferenceByValue( { "apple", "pear", "kiwi" }, { "pear", "apple", "banana" } )
{ "kiwi" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function Append( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Appends values with numeric keys from one table to another.
list_a | The first list table in the append. If in_place is true, table_b is appended to this table. Values in this table will not change. |
list_b | The second list table in the append. |
in_place | An optional boolean specifying whether or not this should be an in place append to table_a. Defaults to false. |
The table result of appending table_b to table_a. Returns table_a if in_place is true, a new table otherwise.
Append( { "apple", "banana", "kiwi" }, { "orange", "pear" } )
{ "apple", "banana", "kiwi", "orange", "pear" }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function HasValue( t, value )
Checks for the presence of a value in a table.
t | The table to check for the value’s presence within. |
value | Any type, the value to check for within t. |
1 | A boolean. True if the table has the value, false otherwise. |
2 | A value of any type. The first key the value was found under if it was found, nil otherwise. |
HasValue( { apple="red", pear="green", kiwi="hairy" }, "green" )
true, "pear"
v1.00 | Initial. |
function HasValueI( t, value )
Exactly the same as HasValue except that it uses fori instead of pairs. In general, this means that it only merges on numeric keys. See A Discussion On fori.
function SetFromList( list )
Creates a set from a list. A list is defined as a table with all numeric keys in sequential order (such as {“red”, “yellow”, “green”}). A set is defined as a table that only uses the boolean value true for keys that exist in the table. This function takes the values from the list and makes them the keys in a set, all with the value of ‘true’. Note that you lose ordering and duplicates in the list during this conversion, but gain ease of testing for a value’s existence in the table (test whether the value of a key is true or nil).
list | The table representing the list. |
The table representing the set.
SetFromList( { "apple", "banana", "kiwi", "pear" } )
{ apple=true, banana=true, kiwi=true, pear=true }
v1.00 | Initial. |
function MakeKeyValues( t )
Makes a key values string from a table.
t | The table to make the key values from. The table’s keys and subkeys may be of string or number type. The table’s values and subvalues may be of string, number, boolean, or table types. Do not pass in a cyclical table or this function will error. |
The key values string.
{ 3.14, "foo", bar = { pear = "green", t = { none = 0 } } }
"bar" { "t" { "none" 0 } "pear" "green" } 3.14 "foo"
v1.00 | Initial. |
function ParseKeyValues( str )
Parses a key value formatted string into a table. See MakeKeyValues for creating a key value string.
str | The string to parse. |
1 | The table on success or nil on failure. |
2 | Nil on success, or the string explaining the error on failure. |
v1.00 | Initial. |
Counts the number of elements in a table using pairs.
function Count( t )
Checks if a table contains any values on any type of key.
function IsEmpty( t )
Removes all data from a table.
function Empty( t )
Make a shallow copy of a table.
function Copy( t )
Exactly the same as Copy except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function CopyI( t )
Make a deep copy of a table.
function DeepCopy( t )
Removes any duplicate values from a list.
function RemoveDuplicateValues( list, in_place )
Merges two tables by key.
function UnionByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as UnionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function UnionByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the union of two lists by value.
function UnionByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Gets the intersection of two tables by key.
function IntersectionByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as IntersectionByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function IntersectionByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the intersection of two lists by value.
function IntersectionByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Gets the difference of two tables by key.
function DifferenceByKey( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Exactly the same as DifferenceByKey except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function DifferenceByKeyI( table_a, table_b, in_place )
Gets the difference of two lists by value.
function DifferenceByValue( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Appends values with numeric keys from one table to another.
function Append( list_a, list_b, in_place )
Checks for the presence of a value in a table.
function HasValue( t, value )
Exactly the same as HasValue except that it uses fori instead of pairs.
function HasValueI( t, value )
Creates a set from a list.
function SetFromList( list )
Makes a key values string from a table.
function MakeKeyValues( t )
Parses a key value formatted string into a table.
function ParseKeyValues( str )