ULX commands
A list of all the default ULX commands.
Not all usergroups have access to the same commands. Run ulx help
to see the commands that are available to you.
- ulx armor <players> <armor: 0<=x<=255> - Sets the armor for target(s). (say: !armor)
- ulx blind <players> [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Blinds target(s). (say: !blind) (opposite: ulx unblind)
- ulx cloak [<players, defaults to self>] [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Cloaks target(s). (say: !cloak) (opposite: ulx uncloak)
- ulx freeze <players> - Freezes target(s). (say: !freeze) (opposite: ulx unfreeze)
- ulx god [<players, defaults to self>] - Grants god mode to target(s). (say: !god) (opposite: ulx ungod)
- ulx hp <players> <hp: 1<=x<=2147483647> - Sets the hp for target(s). (say: !hp)
- ulx ignite <players> [<seconds: 1<=x<=300, default 300>] - Ignites target(s). (say: !ignite) (opposite: ulx unignite)
- ulx jail <players> [<seconds, 0 is forever: 0<=x, default 0>] - Jails target(s). (say: !jail) (opposite: ulx unjail)
- ulx jailtp <player> [<seconds, 0 is forever: 0<=x, default 0>] - Teleports, then jails target(s). (say: !jailtp)
- ulx maul <players> - Maul target(s). (say: !maul)
- ulx playsound <sound> - Plays a sound (relative to sound dir).
- ulx ragdoll <players> - Ragdolls target(s). (say: !ragdoll) (opposite: ulx unragdoll)
- ulx slap <players> [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Slaps target(s) with given damage. (say: !slap)
- ulx slay <players> - Slays target(s). (say: !slay)
- ulx sslay <players> - Silently slays target(s). (say: !sslay)
- ulx strip <players> - Strip weapons from target(s). (say: !strip)
- ulx unigniteall - Extinguishes all players and all entities. (say: !unigniteall)
- ulx whip <players> [<times: 2<=x<=100, default 10>] [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Slaps target(s) x times with given damage each time. (say: !whip)
- ulx cexec <players> {command} - Run a command on console of target(s). (say: !cexec)
- ulx ent <classname> [{<flag> : <value> |}] - Spawn an ent, separate flag and value with ‘:’, flag:value pairs with ‘|’.
- ulx exec <file> - Execute a file from the cfg directory on the server.
- ulx luarun {command} - Executes lua in server console. (Use ‘=’ for output)
- ulx rcon {command} - Execute command on server console. (say: !rcon)
User Management
- ulx addgroup <group> [<inherits from>] - Create a new group with optional inheritance.
- ulx adduser <player> <group> - Add a user to specified group.
- ulx adduserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <group> - Add a user by ID to specified group.
- ulx groupallow <group> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a group’s access.
- ulx groupdeny <group> <command> - Remove from a group’s access.
- ulx removegroup <group> - Removes a group. USE WITH CAUTION.
- ulx removeuser <player> - Permanently removes a user’s access.
- ulx removeuserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> - Permanently removes a user’s access by ID.
- ulx renamegroup <current group> <new group> - Renames a group.
- ulx setgroupcantarget <group> [<target string>] - Sets what a group is allowed to target
- ulx userallow <player> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a user’s access.
- ulx userallowid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a user’s access.
- ulx userdeny <player> <command> [<remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1>] - Remove from a user’s access.
- ulx userdenyid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <command> [<remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1>] - Remove from a user’s access.
- ulx usermanagementhelp - See the user management help.
- ulx ban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans target. (say: !ban)
- ulx banid <steamid> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans steamid.
- ulx debuginfo - Dump some debug information.
- ulx help - Shows this help.
- ulx kick <player> [{reason}] - Kicks target. (say: !kick)
- ulx map <map> [<gamemode>] - Changes map and gamemode. (say: !map)
- ulx noclip [<players, defaults to self>] - Toggles noclip on target(s). (say: !noclip)
- ulx resettodefaults [<string>] - Resets ALL ULX and ULib configuration!
- ulx spectate <player> - Spectate target. (say: !spectate)
- ulx unban <steamid> - Unbans steamid.
- ulx version - See version information. (say: !version)
- ulx who [<steamid>] - See information about currently online users.
- ulx asay {message} - Send a message to currently connected admins. (say: @)
- ulx csay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the middle of their screen. (say: @@@)
- ulx gag <players> - Gag target(s), disables microphone. (say: !gag) (opposite: ulx ungag)
- ulx gimp <players> - Gimps target(s) so they are unable to chat normally. (say: !gimp) (opposite: ulx ungimp)
- ulx mute <players> - Mutes target(s) so they are unable to chat. (say: !mute) (opposite: ulx unmute)
- ulx psay <player> {message} - Send a private message to target. (say: !p)
- ulx thetime - Shows you the server time. (say: !thetime)
- ulx tsay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the chat box. (say: @@)
- ulx stopvote - Stops a vote in progress. (say: !stopvote)
- ulx veto - Veto a successful votemap. (say: !veto)
- ulx vote <title> {options} - Starts a public vote. (say: !vote)
- ulx voteban <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 1440>] [{reason}] - Starts a public ban vote against target. (say: !voteban)
- ulx votekick <player> [{reason}] - Starts a public kick vote against target. (say: !votekick)
- ulx votemap [{map}] - Vote for a map, no args lists available maps. (say: !votemap)
- ulx votemap2 {map} - Starts a public map vote. (say: !votemap2)
- ulx bring <players> - Brings target(s) to you. (say: !bring)
- ulx goto <player> - Goto target. (say: !goto)
- ulx return [<player, defaults to self>] - Returns target to last position before a teleport. (say: !return)
- ulx send <player> <player> - Goto target. (say: !send)
- ulx teleport [<player, defaults to self>] - Teleports target. (say: !tp)
- ulx motd - Show the message of the day. (say: !motd)
- xgui <show, hide, toggle> - Opens and/or closes XGUI. (say: !xgui, !menu) (alias: ulx menu)
- xgui fban <player> - Opens the add ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the Name/SteamID automatically. (say: !fban)
- xgui xban <player> - Opens the add ban window and fills out Name/SteamID automatically if a player was specified. (say: !xban)