Reset to defaults

ULX reset command

ULX comes with a command that lets you reset all ULX and ULib configuration, including bans, groups, and accesses.

Note: This command omits some configs. See issue #132 on the issue tracker for details.

  1. Run ulx resettodefaults from the server console.
  2. Confirm your intent by running ulx resettodefaults FORCE from the server console.
  3. Change levels or restart the server to complete the process.

Manual reset

Alternatively, you can manually erase all relevant data from the server.

  1. DarkRP FAdmin users: remove all FAdmin groups and privileges by running lua_run sql.Query "DROP TABLE FADMIN_GROUPS; DROP TABLE FADMIN_PRIVILEGES" from the server console.
  2. Remove all ban data by running lua_run sql.Query "DROP TABLE ulib_bans" from the server console.
  3. Shut down your server.
  4. Delete file: <garrysmod>/cfg/banned_user.cfg (if it exists*)
  5. Delete folders: <garrysmod>/data/ulib and <garrysmod>/data/ulx
  6. Restart your server.

*banned_user.cfg was used to store permanent bans by ULib v2.63 and older.

Backup and restore Tips and tricks

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