This redirects any command to the server.
function ULib.redirect( ply, command, argv )
Refreshes the ULib bans.
function ULib.refreshBans()
Inform UCL about the existence of a particular access string, optionally make it have a certain default access, optionally give a help message along with it.
function ucl.registerAccess( access, groups, comment, category )
function ULib.registerPlugin( pluginData )
Removes a comment header.
function ULib.removeCommentHeader( data, comment_char )
Removes a group from the UCL.
function ucl.removeGroup( name, from_CAMI )
Removes a say command.
function ULib.removeSayCommand( say_cmd )
Removes a user from the UCL.
function ucl.removeUser( id, from_CAMI )
Renames a group in the UCL.
function ucl.renameGroup( orig, new )
This function also creates a cvar on the client that can be modified and will be sent back to the server.
function ULib.replicatedWritableCvar( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, default_value, save, notify, access )
This is used when specifying a string argument to flag that only what was specified for autocomplete is allowed to be passed as a valid argument.
This is used to create new ‘class instances’.
function root_class:create( ... )
The equivalent of “pairs” for a readonly table, since “pairs” won’t work.
function ULib.ropairs( t )
This is used when specifying a number argument to flag the argument to round the number to the nearest integer.
Say callback which will check to see if there’s a say command being used.
local function sayCmdCheck( ply, strText, bTeam )
Converts a number of seconds to a string describing the time span.
function ULib.secondsToStringTime( secs )
Serializes a variable.
function ULib.serialize( v )
Sets what a group is allowed to target in the UCL.
function ucl.setGroupCanTarget( group, can_target )
Sets a group’s inheritance in the UCL.
function ucl.setGroupInheritance( group, inherit_from, from_CAMI )
Given a string, find and set a var starting from the global namespace.
function ULib.setVar( varLocation, varValue, rootTable )
Slaps an entity, can be a user or any entity.
function ULib.slap( ent, damage, power, nosound )
Enhanced spawn player.
function ULib.spawn( player, bool )
This is similar to string.Explode( “ “, str ) except that it will also obey quotation marks.
function ULib.splitArgs( args, start_token, end_token )
function ULib.splitPort( ipAndPort )
See cmds.BaseArg:complete
function cmds.StringArg:complete( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:parseAndValidate
function cmds.StringArg:parseAndValidate( ply, arg, cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
A helper function to help us figure out restrictions on this command.
function cmds.StringArg:processRestrictions( cmdRestrictions, plyRestrictions )
See cmds.BaseArg:usage
function cmds.StringArg:usage( cmdInfo, plyRestrictions )
Converts a string containing time information to minutes.
function ULib.stringTimeToMinutes( str )
Strips comments from a string
function ULib.stripComments( str, comment, blockcommentbeg, blockcommentend )
Trims leading and tailing quotes from a string
function ULib.stripQuotes( s )
This is used when specifying a string argument to flag that this argument should use up any remaining args, whether quoted as one arg or not.
Throws an error similar to the lua “bad argument #x to fn_name (type expected, got type).
function ULib.throwBadArg( argnum, fnName, expected, data, throwLevel )
Converts a bool, nil, string, or number to a bool
function ULib.toBool( x )
Add an argument to this command.
function cmds.TranslateCommand:addParam( t )
This is just a pass-through function for calling the function callback.
function cmds.TranslateCommand:call( isOpposite, ... )
function cmds.TranslateCommand:defaultAccess( access )
function cmds.TranslateCommand:getUsage( ply )
function cmds.TranslateCommand:instantiate( cmd, fn, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say, unsafe )
Set the command opposite for this command.
function cmds.TranslateCommand:setOpposite( cmd, args, say_cmd, hide_say, no_space_in_say )
Prints a message in talk say as well as in the user’s consoles.
function ULib.tsay( ply, msg, wait, wasValid )
Prints a tsay message in color!
function ULib.tsayColor( ply, wait, ... )
Just like tsay, but prints the string in red
function ULib.tsayError( ply, msg, wait )