An Online Tool to do a 'quick and dirty' diff of two text or code fragments

Introduction - why use an online diff?

In my course as a developer I find myself constantly examining the differences between two pieces of text.

Now, although pretty much every IDE (and various stand-alone products) have sophisticated diff utilities built in (like Eclipse), my favourite, I got very tired of having to create two files just to paste in fragments of code or other bits of texts just in order to perform a diff and see the differences highlighted.

This is why I made myself a quick online version that I have now decided to share with anyone else interested. Of course, it also means I can access it from anywhere I want now.....

Click here for instructions

Simply paste your first text into the left text box and the other text into the right box and hit 'Submit' to see the results.

I have added the following options :

Trim Lines
Trims empty spaces on the beginning and end of each line on both inputs prior to comparing
Remove Empty Lines
Removes empty lines on both inputs prior to comparing
Remove excess Whitespace
Removes any instances of two or more subsequent whitespaces and replaces it with a single one

I have also added the following options for diff algorithms:

Shows the differences side by side
Shows the differences inline, using the Pear Diff Class

For long comparisons to avoid scrolling all the way up to do a follow-up comparison, I have also included a copy of the form on the bottom of the page after a submit has taken place.

Diff Method:

The Differences
I. Introduction
I.a Purpose of CPPI
The purpose of CPPI is to define a standard interface for prop protectors to use for easy third-party integration with any prop protector.

I.b Terms and Definitions
Required – This feature or function is required for the prop protector be considered to have a valid CPPI interface.
Recommended – This feature or function is strongly suggested to be implemented in any CPPI interface but not mandatory. If a function is marked recommended and the CPPI interface does not implement it, it must return CPPI_NOTIMPLEMENTED (see below).

I.c Revisions
08/06/10 – Proposed Version 1.2 of standard
Changed hook recommendation from gamemode.Call to hook.Call
Added third parameter uid to CPPIAssignOwnership, changed definition so return value of true indicates that ownership should be assigned
Added new required entity functions, CPPICanUse and CPPICanDamage
Added ability to clear ownership by passing nil to CPPISetOwner and CPPISetOwnerUID
06/14/08 – Version 1.1 of standard
05/03/08 – Version 1.0 of standard

II. Implementation
II.a Variables
Namespace: CPPI (store in the global table 'CPPI')

Variable: CPPI_DEFER -- Required
Can be any value you please, just make sure it doesn't conflict with other possible return values from functions it's used in.
This variable is used for certain functions that allow its usage to tell the calling function that it doesn't know the value requested yet.
This is useful for client side functions that need to get a variable from the server.

Variable: CPPI_NOTIMPLEMENTED – Required
Can be any value you please, just make sure it doesn't conflict with other possible return values from functions it's used in.
This variable is used for certain function that allow its usage to tell the calling function that the feature requested is not implemented by this prop protection.
For example, a prop protector that does not implement client side ownership would return this for the client side ownership functions.

II.b Global Functions
Namespace: CPPI (store in the global table 'CPPI')

Function: GetName() – Required
Returns the name of the active prop protection (IE, "Amazing Prop Sprite") 
Return value constraints: String of less than 255 characters 
Both client and server side.

Function: GetVersion() – Required
Returns the version of the active prop protection (IE, "1.0" or "1.5.6a rev258") 
Return value constraints: String of less than 255 characters 
Both client and server side.

Function: GetInterfaceVersion() – Required
Returns the version of the interface (the version of this standard that the interface is using) 
Return value constraints: returns the Number 1.1.
Both client and server side.

Function: GetNameFromUID( [String] uid ) – Recommended
Returns the name of the player that was using that UID (Player:UniqueID()) 
uid will be a number specifying a UID (but do error checking regardless) 
Return value constraints: String of player name less than 32 characters, or nil if a match cannot be found. 
Both client and server side, if the function is implemented client-side it is only required to function on the local player's UID client-side.
This function is allowed to return CPPI_DEFER.

II.c Player Functions
Namespace: Player (the player metatable)
Function: CPPIGetFriends() – Recommended
Returns the friends of a player, other players who are allowed to manipulate the specified player's objects. 
Ply argument: A valid Player object. 
Return value constraints: Must be a table of less than or equal to 64 Player elements.
If this is implemented, it is recommended to be both client and server side, but it is perfectly acceptable for the client side is to only implement this function for the local player. Return CPPI_NOTIMPLEMENTED on the client if you have not implemented the function for anything other than the local player if you receive a non-local player Player object.
This function is allowed to return CPPI_DEFER.

II.d Entity Functions
Namespace: Entity (the entity metatable)

Function: CPPIGetOwner() – Required
Returns the Player object that owns this entity first.
Returns the UID (Player:UniqueID()) of the owner second. 
On the return values, both values should be nil if no one owns it, first value should be nil if the player is disconnected. If the prop protection does not keep track of UIDs, the second value should be CPPI_NOTIMPLEMENTED.
The client version of this function can always return CPPI_NOTIMPLEMENTED if the prop protection does not track owners on the client.
This function is allowed to return CPPI_DEFER (for both values).

Function: CPPISetOwner( [Player] ply ) – Required
Sets a new owner for this entity.
Returns true on success, false on failure.
ply will be a Player entity or nil (do error checking regardless).
If ply is nil, ownership should be cleared for the entity.
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPISetOwnerUID( [String] uid ) – Recommended
Sets a new owner for this entity.
Returns true on success, false on failure, or CPPI_NOTIMPLEMENTED.
uid will be a uid for a player or nil (do error checking regardless).
If uid is nil, ownership should be cleared for the entity.
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPICanTool( [Player] ply, [String] toolmode ) – Required
Checks if a player can tool this object with specified tool. This function MUST NOT reassign ownership; that the player will actually use the tool is not guaranteed. 
Returns true if they can, false if they can't. 
ply will be a Player entity (do error checking regardless).
toolmode will be a String specifying the tool mode to check. Not guaranteed to be one of the default Garrysmod tools. 
Hint: This should be a close alias of your CanTool hook .
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPICanPhysgun( [Player] ply ) – Required
Checks if a player can physgun this object. This function MUST NOT reassign ownership; that the player will actually use the physgun is not guaranteed. 
Returns true if they can, false if they can't. 
ply will be a Player entity (do error checking regardless).
Hint: This should be a close alias of your PhysgunPickup hook .
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPICanPickup( [Player] ply ) – Required
Checks if a player can pick up this object with the gravgun. This function MUST NOT reassign ownership; that the player will actually pick up the object is not guaranteed. 
Returns true if they can, false if they can't. 
ply will be a Player entity (do error checking regardless).
Hint: This should be a close alias of your GravGunPickupAllowed hook.
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPICanPunt( [Player] ply ) – Required
Checks if a player can punt this object with the gravgun. This function MUST NOT reassign ownership; that the player will actually punt the object is not guaranteed. 
Returns true if they can, false if they can't. 
ply will be a Player entity (do error checking regardless).
Hint: This should be a close alias of your GravGunPunt hook.
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPICanUse( [Player] ply ) – Required
Checks if a player can use this object (usually press 'e' on it). This function MUST NOT reassign ownership; that the player will actually use the object is not guaranteed. 
Returns true if they can, false if they can't. 
ply will be a Player entity (do error checking regardless).
Hint: This should be a close alias of your PlayerUse hook.
ONLY defined on the server.

Function: CPPICanDamage( [Player] ply ) – Required
Checks if a player can damage this object. This function MUST NOT reassign ownership; that the player will actually damage the object is not guaranteed. 
Returns true if they can, false if they can't. 
ply will be a Player entity (do error checking regardless).
Hint: This should be similar to your EntityTakeDamage hook.
ONLY defined on the server.

II.e Hook Functions
Namespace: Hooks (normal gamemode hooks called using gamemode.Call()hook.Call() and hooked using hook.Add())

Function: CPPIAssignOwnership( [Player] ply, [Entity] entent, [String] uid ) – Recommended
Called when ply assumes ownership of ent.
If the hook is blocked (byby returning true or false),false, ownership must not be assigned. 
If the hook is blocked by returning any value other than false or nil, ownership should be assigned.
ply should be a valid Player entity assuming the ownership or nil if removing ownership.the player is connected.
ent should be a valid Entity that the ply now owns.
uid should be a the String of the owner's UID.
If ownership is being cleared, the ply and uid arguments should both be nil.
Hint: This should be called both after a player spawns a new ent and when ownership is reassigned.
Only recommended on the server, but preferred on client as well.

Function: CPPIFriendsChanged( [Player] ply, [Table] newfrends ) – Recommended
Called when ply gains or loses friends (other players who are allowed access to their ents). 
Should be called after friends are re-assigned, cannot be blocked. 
ply should be a valid player entity that had their friends changed 
newfriends should be a table containing the player's friends. 
Hint: This should be called both after a player spawns in the server and when their friends change 
Only recommended on the server, but preferred on client as well (at least for local player).

Diff Method: