Adds to the client or admin menu
function addToMenu( menuid, callback )
This function removes all of a player’s worldly possessions.
function deleteAll( uid, isLeaving )
DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, UPS HANDLES THIS FUNCTION This function is called to assign ownership to the player spawning the object via hooks.
function entSpawn( ply, ent, ent2 )
This hook allows you to override an ownership change or simply catalog it.
function GAMEMODE:UPSAssignOwnership( ply, ent )
This read-only hook is called after a player reports that it has loaded UPS.
function GAMEMODE:UPSPlayerLoaded( ply )
This read-only hook is called after query does all of it’s processing.
function GAMEMODE:UPSPostQuery( ply, ent, actionid, flags, allowed )
This hook is called before query begins any processing.
function GAMEMODE:UPSPreQuery( ply, ent, actionid, flags )
Gets a table of entities this uid owns.
function getUIDOwnedEnts( uid )
This is a prequery (see <query>) hook in order to protect map entities.
function mapProtectionQuery( ply, ent, actionid, flags )
Gets the last known player name for a user uid.
function nameFromID( uid )
DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, UPS HANDLES THIS FUNCTION Sets the name for use with nameFromID.
function nameToID( uid, name )
Takes care of playing the “access denied” sound to a client.
function playDenySound( ply )
This is a prequery (see <query>) hook in order to allow players to disable UPS on themselves and allow admins to disable them.
function playerDisabledQuery( ply, ent, actionid, flags )
This is quite possibly the most important function in all of UPS.
function query( ply, ent, actionid, flags )
This function calls query for all entities connected to and including a specified entity.
function queryAll( ply, ent, actionid, flags )
This function is mainly intended for use with the menus.
function replicatedWritableCvar( sv_cvar, cl_cvar, default_value, save, notify, access )