module( "UPS", package.seeall ) -- This holds all the "essential" or base admin menu stuff. local function buildMenu( panel ) panel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = "" } ) -- Spacing panel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = "Time until props are put up for grabs after player leaves:" } ) panel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = "Set to -1 to disable", Type = "Integer", Min = -1, Max = 1200, Command = "ups_cl_cleartime", } ) panel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = "" } ) -- Spacing panel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = "Time until deletion after player leaves:" } ) panel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = "Set to -1 to disable", Type = "Integer", Min = -1, Max = 1200, Command = "ups_cl_deletetime", } ) panel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = "Delete admin props on leave", Command = "ups_cl_deleteadmin" } ) panel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = "Admins affected by restrictions", Command = "ups_cl_affectadmins" } ) panel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = "Enable world protection", Command = "ups_cl_worldprotection" } ) panel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = "" } ) -- Spacing panel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = "Delete all of a player's props:" } ) for uid, nick in pairs( playerTable ) do panel:AddControl( "Button", { Text = nick, Command = "ups_remove " .. uid } ) end end UPS.addToMenu( UPS.ID_MADMIN, buildMenu )